Enterprise Agreement Sydney Catholic Schools

Enterprise Agreement for Sydney Catholic Schools: Understanding the Basics

Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) is the largest provider of Catholic education in Australia. It serves more than 70,000 students across 152 primary and secondary schools in the Greater Sydney area. As a non-profit organization, SCS operates under an enterprise agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for its staff.

The enterprise agreement for SCS is reviewed and renewed every few years in consultation with the staff and their representatives, as well as the Catholic Commission for Employment Relations (CCER) and the Independent Education Union (IEU). The current agreement, known as the Sydney Catholic Schools Enterprise Agreement 2017, covers the period from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020.

This article aims to provide a brief overview of the enterprise agreement for SCS and what it means for employees and employers.

Who is covered by the enterprise agreement?

The enterprise agreement covers all employees of SCS, including teachers, principals, support staff, and senior executives. It also covers casual and seasonal employees, as well as contractors engaged by SCS.

What are the key features of the enterprise agreement?

The enterprise agreement sets out the terms and conditions of employment for SCS staff, including:

– Salary and remuneration: The agreement sets out the minimum and maximum salaries for each position, as well as any allowances, bonuses, and other benefits. It also includes provisions for salary increases based on experience, qualifications, and performance.

– Hours of work: The agreement specifies the standard hours of work for each position, as well as any flexibility arrangements, such as part-time or job-sharing. It also includes provisions for overtime, shift work, and leave arrangements.

– Leave entitlements: The agreement outlines the various types of leave available to SCS staff, including annual leave, personal leave, long service leave, and parental leave. It also includes provisions for compassionate and carer`s leave.

– Performance management and professional development: The agreement sets out the expectations and standards for performance and conduct, as well as the process for addressing any issues. It also includes provisions for professional development and career advancement.

– Workplace health and safety: The agreement includes provisions for ensuring a safe and healthy work environment, as well as procedures for managing any incidents or accidents.

What are the benefits of the enterprise agreement?

The enterprise agreement provides a number of benefits for SCS staff, including:

– Job security: The agreement provides a stable and predictable employment environment, with clear expectations and standards.

– Fair pay and conditions: The agreement sets out minimum standards for salaries, hours of work, and leave entitlements, ensuring that staff are compensated fairly for their work.

– Professional development: The agreement includes provisions for ongoing training and development, enabling staff to enhance their skills and knowledge.

– Workplace health and safety: The agreement ensures that staff are protected from workplace hazards and risks, and that incidents are managed effectively.


The enterprise agreement for Sydney Catholic Schools is a crucial document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for its staff. It provides a stable and predictable employment environment, with fair pay and conditions, professional development opportunities, and workplace health and safety provisions. Both employers and employees should be familiar with the agreement and its requirements in order to ensure a positive and productive work environment.