Boris Johnson Paris Agreement

On November 4, 2016, the Paris Agreement, an international treaty aimed at combatting climate change, officially went into effect. This agreement was signed by 197 countries, including the United Kingdom, under the leadership of former Prime Minister Theresa May. However, with the recent appointment of Boris Johnson as the UK`s Prime Minister, concerns have been raised about the government`s commitment to the Paris Agreement.

Back in 2015, Boris Johnson wrote an article for The Telegraph where he expressed skepticism about the science behind climate change and criticized the Paris Agreement for placing too much emphasis on reducing CO2 emissions. He argued that the UK should instead focus on developing new technologies that could reduce the human impact on climate change, rather than relying on “unproven” policies that could damage the economy.

Since then, Johnson`s stance on climate change has shifted, with him stating in a recent interview that he believes the UK should aim to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. This target was eventually enshrined into law in June 2019, making the UK the first major economy to do so. However, despite this pledge, there are still concerns that the UK government is not doing enough to fulfill its obligations under the Paris Agreement.

For example, the UK`s Committee on Climate Change, an independent government advisory body, recently criticized the government`s progress on reducing emissions from buildings, transport, and agriculture. The committee also warned that the UK is not on track to meet its interim targets for reducing emissions by 2030, which are crucial to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

Moreover, there are concerns that Boris Johnson`s recent decision to expand Heathrow Airport could undermine the UK`s ability to meet its emissions targets. A report by the Committee on Climate Change found that the expansion could lead to an increase in emissions that would make it impossible for the UK to reach net-zero by 2050 without “radical action” to offset them.

It remains to be seen how Boris Johnson`s government will balance its commitments to reducing emissions and supporting economic growth, but it`s clear that the UK`s obligations under the Paris Agreement cannot be ignored. It is essential that the government takes action to reduce the UK`s carbon footprint and meet its emissions targets, or risk facing the consequences of failing to fulfill its international obligations.