立此存照:骗子邮件之西联诈骗(Cheat by Western Union)

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今天收到一封邮件,由于题目是英文的,我差点看都没看就送垃圾箱。但是Control Number这两个词让我有似曾相识的感觉,点进去一看,果然里面又出现了Western Union(西联)。西联是去年下半年才开始与Google Adsense合作的一家全球速汇公司,在国内与中国邮政、光大银行及农业银行合作,收款人无需任何凭证,只需一个付款人提供的监控号码及自己身份证即可。

今年年初,我的Google Adsense因为“给广告客户带来风险”而被封,当时里面有好几千美元,就这样打水漂,非常无奈,给Google写了很多邮件都没音讯,只得放弃。而今天这封邮件恰恰是打着西联的旗号来的,在邮件的开头,给出了西联的监控号及付款金额。我正准备感谢老天有眼,终于还我钱了,结果下面还有很长的内容,仔细读了下,居然另有蹊跷。发信人声称他在智利,他要帮公司汇一笔18.7万美元的款,然后如果我有一张西联会员卡的话,我就能得到其中的1.2万,美元。骗子料到我没有那张卡,耐心的给我一个邮箱和名字,说找那个人办理西联会员卡……




发件人Western Union Team <r.c.winston@bigpond.com>

日期2008年11月12日 上午5:30
主题Control Number (MTCN):

I am just dropping by on this kinkos store to email you and let you know that I have just sent the payment via Western Union in your name as I do not have your account details correctly.

I also want you to have the payment information below:

Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN): 947-281-5084
Amount Sent: $187,000 USD
Text Question: Favourite Colour?
Answer: White

You can go to any Western Union location right now and pick up the cash quick.  I hope that you have a Western Union card / Promo code? You will need this to send or claim amount above $12,000 USD from any Western Union agent location. My company will be sending my team to Chile this week.

I am already on my way to join my team in completing the unfinished bridge construction project in Chile. We may leave town tomorrow and I couldn’t go without dropping the payment information with you. We may spend 2 to 3 months there before the job would be completely finished.

Remember that if you do not claim the money before 9 days, they will call back the money to my card. And if you do not have the Western Union Promo/Card, you cannot pick up the cash.

I may not be around to reply any of your emails now, but I will talk to you as soon as I return.

If you do not have a Western Union Promo Code, you may contact the western union agent details below so that they will provide a Western Union card/Promo Card for you immediately and also send you a copy of the voucher of the payment that I made, via email.

Contact the office below for your Western Union card:
Contact Person: Bill Anthony
Email:  western_promocode@yahoo.com.hk

Send the below details to him
Your Full Name:
MTCN number: (as above)
Address: (including state and zip code)

As soon as the office gets the above information, they will use the credentials to create your Western Union Promo code right away without any delay.

That is all to it. I hope to talk to you as soon as we are back on the errand or call it project.

Tommy Peacock

评论(3 条评论)
2008-11-14 09:26:15 回复


2008-11-14 21:45:34 回复


    2008-11-14 21:54:54 回复
